Apart from the ramblings we make about corruption and all malpractices going on in our society and blaming the politicians for that, as citizens of India what plan have we devised to avoid corruption repeating itself in history? Do we have the courage to return our identity cards back to government expressing our distrust in the people taking up the power? Do we have the slightest intention of molding and dedicating one qualified politician per family? We choose one among the lot; the lot being filled with dirty-minded, -handed candidates! If we don’t like anyone in the nominees’ list, do we come back not-voting?
We always pour our words out when the election dates are out. From nowhere the media publicizes the corruption of all the politicians and their links with mafias. Where did we all go when these so called leaders were ruling us? How many of us have the patience to follow the frustrating formalities of the government offices and hold on to the conviction of not bribing? Why did we shut our mouths and pay the bribe? Why did not the media let out the corrupt practices into the light when these leaders are still on power? Why does it spring up in the light when these leaders have win-lose probability?
Frankly speaking none of us have the patience to fight the battle through every day practices; even if we have patience we are afraid of the political power these politicians have. Extensive hate words flowing across pages of newspapers about the ruling party and the opposition, blogs springing up during the election times are no near to the panacea.
It’s basically an inner discipline that every citizen of India needs to develop and pass onto his / her family members to curb malpractice from the society. May we have one or two convictions and hold on to it no matter how much it is tested by the times. Unless and until we develop such an inner courage, we cannot fight the battle against corruption. We will all be complaining and sulking over the pitiable state of Indian politics and let it penetrate deeper into our veins.
The land of culture seems to be deteriorating in its value system and everything is taken for granted. There is such a lack of commitment and integrity in today’s young people that they just do not care about their fellow beings. The so-called collectivist land of India is becoming very much individualistic in that even the family members become outsiders. It’s only I, Me and Myself that is ruling our minds. “Until the ditch touches my flat I do not mind!” – We have developed this tendency subconsciously. The only way to take our country forward is developing an inner discipline and integrity. Talk, preach and do what you would want others to do unto you! If the self fails to raise upto the cause, there won’t be a change! No more Gods will come as Saviours! We have got to be our own Saviours and mean what we say! Also, be an alert citizen in everyday life and question every injustice happening to us and our fellow beings. This is the only way to tell the politicians that we are monitoring them. Only this would ensure that they ought to perform their duties to hold onto their positions!
Be alert and awake, my fellow Indians! Stop complaining and rambling; ACT!