Friday, April 13, 2007

Just wondering!

Why do people do things that they know they should not or when they know it will cost something of theirs?

I don't understand!


People who don’t study for their exams and instead watch films; even worse people planning for an escape route like bits to clear it off…

People who say, “I wanna try things out!” and do things that cannot be confronted to anyone else…

People who indulge in habits they know will cost their health…


I realized…

It may be that,

For the ones who didn’t study for the exams, exams and scores were worthless?!

For people who try out things, the pleasure in trying things out is more important than the pains that those things will cause…

For people indulging in destructive habits, best price they would offer for that pleasurable indulgence is their health…


Its all in the mind?!


I really don’t understand why people have or show double standardness….????

Talk something but do other thing,
Preach one thing and practice the opposite,

Crisply, a life of an oxymoron…

I can’t understand them!

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