Life is too full now. So many things happening, many just-not-happening! But, I am living my life to the fullest - full of bliss, full of motivation, full with passion, full of search, full with anger, full of satisfaction, full with pride, full with greed, full of responsibility, full of aspirations, full of disappointments, soo very full, all at one time!
Cup has become too heavy. Need to unwind, relax, and take life more simpler.
Moving from one phase of life to another is rewarding cos you are learning. However, a few lessons are learnt in a hard way. Some lessons make you more strong, some make you regret acts of your past, some confuse you, some shock you, some surprise you and some disappoint you.
You know that you are not the only one to go through this but at the same time you have to go through this. You begin to empathise with the ones who have gone through this!
Amidst all this, finding an equilibrium is what I think is the art of living.
Trying hard to practise this. Not without paying the cost for it. All in all, life now is sooo.... very.... full...!
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