Wednesday, February 09, 2011


I had been thinking about this for a while now. There are these various jobs which are available in this world. Some have the liberty to choose a job they want to do, some are forced to choose, some just land up in that job, some just wait to get away from a job.

I am in a profession where the practise is to help people exercise their free will to choose a job and pursue it. So among these 100 of jobs, people choose to do a job based on what they are capable of doing and what they want to do...

The jobs are created based on the needs of the society. One of the key needs is that of cleaning. That would include cleaning the public places and at some levels we need people who can attend to the waste in individual houses/apartments.

Now will someone want to choose this as their job? Those people who are currently working as cleaners, would they continue to do their job if another option with equivalent pay is offered to them?

Dignity of labour is just not practised in our country. Agreed! But what would be a reason for an individual to take up his / her job as a cleaner? What level of free will would some one exercise to choose this as a profession amongst others?

Any reasons out there?

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Sooo full of life!

Life is too full now. So many things happening, many just-not-happening! But, I am living my life to the fullest - full of bliss, full of motivation, full with passion, full of search, full with anger, full of satisfaction, full with pride, full with greed, full of responsibility, full of aspirations, full of disappointments, soo very full, all at one time!

Cup has become too heavy. Need to unwind, relax, and take life more simpler.

Moving from one phase of life to another is rewarding cos you are learning. However, a few lessons are learnt in a hard way. Some lessons make you more strong, some make you regret acts of your past, some confuse you, some shock you, some surprise you and some disappoint you.

You know that you are not the only one to go through this but at the same time you have to go through this. You begin to empathise with the ones who have gone through this!

Amidst all this, finding an equilibrium is what I think is the art of living.

Trying hard to practise this. Not without paying the cost for it. All in all, life now is sooo.... very.... full...!